PostgreSql logical replication
logical replication deterrent than stream replication , where the master will send wall log , there we send the actual command such (insert into t1 values (1,”’value” )) physical replication in physical replication , the replica is force to copy the whole database schema tables and so on from master…
PostgreSql how to sperate data directory for data dir
When installing PostgreSQL, it defaults to creating its data directory in /var/lib/postgresql. For better performance, reliability, and management, it is often recommended to relocate the PostgreSQL data directory to a dedicated disk or separate mount point. This can help with I/O performance, backup management, and isolation of database operations from…
Mysql replication troublshooting
${toc} to achieve the best result in troubleshooting it is highly recommended to install percona toolkit it contains tool that will help resolve replication error Coordinator stopped because there were error(s) in the worker(s). when we use the command show replica status\G we found The error message you received indicates…
Getting MySQL Report from pt-mysql-summary This tool will generate report what is configuration for MySQL instance , how many replica MySQL has Or if the MySQL itself is replica , how many uses are connected What are the users doing How many databases How bug us innodb buffer pool size…
Using percona xtrabackup for backup
taking backup percona xtrabackup is consider a hot backup that backup the whole data directory with its redo logs and also it will take backup of the my.cnf to take backup we have already setup directory for backup mkidr backup to take the backup we will use the below command…